Our Consultants look to get to the DNA of your business.
By truly understanding your needs and the market you operate in we:
- Establish clear objectives and methods of measurement
Implement each project in close consultation with our clients
Consolidate our recommendations to ensure implementation
Evaluate and review the impact of our work

Sales Consultancy
Our Suite of Products include:
- Supplier Effectiveness Survey
- Customer Business Planning
- Category Management
- Sales Effectiveness
HR Consultancy
To improve a organsiation's people development we have processes and tools which cover:
- Team Self-Analysis
- HR Credibility
- Competency Development
- Assessment/Development Centres
- Standards of Performance
- Psychometric Testing
- Job Descriptions
- Outplacement
Leadership Consultancy
Tools used to help a business improve it's effectiveness include:
- Strategy Development
- Strategy Validation
- Change Management
Strategy Development & Validation
The Pursuit NHA Strategic Workshop has been designed to ensure that your Senior Management Team is aligned and focused on the activities which will help them drive best practice.
The one day workshop focuses on the five key areas which are essential for success:
- Strategy
- Operations
- Structure
- Human Resources (HR)
- Leadership
The team is asked to vote on a series of statements/questions. Each participant’s voting intentions are known only to them but the group result is shown on screen.
The role of Pursuit NHA is to explore areas of consensus and opportunity. Throughout the day an average team will identify 30-40 actions which need to be taken. These activities are prioritised and assigned to team members who want to tackle the issues identified.
The output of the workshop allows the senior team to:
- Review and agree the forward strategies for your business
- Recognise and build upon the key strengths of your organisation
- Benchmark your team against the world’s most effective sales teams
- Identify and resolve any potential issues
Supplier Effectiveness Survey
What is the real value of understanding and evaluating your current position as an organisation?
What does best practice look like?
How and why do your competitors have that competitive edge?
We can answer most of these questions, by working with you to solicit trade opinions of your business and selected competitor companies to allow you to benchmark your operation in the areas of:
- Business Working Relationships
- Customer Service
- Managing the Business
- Product Offering
- Influencing the Shopper
Through an exclusive qualitative and quantitative research process, we will target critical customer contacts to fully understand your performance as a supplier.
Pursuit NHA will analyse the data and present back the findings covering the following key headlines:
- Executive Summary
- Detailed Feedback
- Conclusions
- Critical Success Factors
Team Self Analysis
In order to fully understand what it is like to work for your organisation, Pursuit NHA has developed a tool which will give real insight into your organisation across the following six key areas:
- Job Satisfaction and Motivation
- Internal Communication and Contact
- Role and Responsibilities
- Personal Development and Training
- Time Management
- Customer Management
The Team Self Analysis is sent to your team(s) and will capture their level of motivation and satisfaction, how well and how often the organisation communicates to them, the clarity of their role, how well individuals are developed and trained, where their time is spent and what the processes are to manage the customer’s business.
All the individual feedback is collated and pulled together as a final report, providing recommendations as to what are the critical steps moving forward.
Sales Effectiveness
The Pursuit NHA model for Sales Effectiveness includes:
- Strategy Alignment
- Internal/External Benchmarking
- Process Validation
- Successful Business:
A successful business has:
- Agreed strategies and vision which are identified through a strategic workshop
- Motivated employees researched through a team self-analysis
- Satisfied customers validated through a supplier effectiveness survey
- An independent reality check conducted through fieldwork
All leading to critical success factors which will grow profitable sales.
HR Credibility
Our research indicates that some HR professionals can suffer from the following:
- Feeling undervalued as HR isn’t taken as seriously as Sales, Marketing, Research, Operations and Finance
- The challenge of trying to influence is a real challenge trying to influence highly intelligent (clever), technical people
- Frustration that technical and scientific abilities and competencies are valued higher than leadership and communication skills
- Disappointment that line management doesn’t take enough responsibility for people issues
- Lack of airtime and challenges can mean HR professionals feel threatened at team meetings
We have been working with HR professionals from both large and medium sized organisations across the globe for over 10 years.
A typical comment from an HR Manager is:
“I deal with some very clever people who know their subject so well. They have brains the size of planets and love to demonstrate how important they are. They don’t exactly look down on me but I do sometimes feel about 10 stories below them – I need help.”
Since completing our first project our Consultants have been helping HR Directors and Managers to develop their own strategies for building their professional credibility and influence within the organisation (and sometimes their industries). Our Consultants have helped them put themselves and HR firmly on the credibility map.
Virtually all of the HR professionals we encouter have experienced the pain of low credibility at least a couple of times in their career. This is such a recurring threat that one of our Consultants decided to build a coaching programme around it and write a book about it.
Our outplacement model is designed to help individuals manage transition and change as a positive process.
As different people respond in different ways to this challenge, our individually tailored Outplacement Programme is designed to help your employees to embrace change and transform redundancy or redeployment into opportunities for personal growth and career development.
We can tailor programmes for both individuals and groups based on the budget available. On an individual basis we can offer coaching, mentoring and professional secretarial services to support the individual through the transition process.
Our consultants, experts in psychometrics, will help the individual understand his/her personality type, preferred working environment and work preferences.
Psychometric Testing
At Pursuit NHA many of our consultants are qualified by the British Psychological Society and can administer and give feedback in ability tests and personality profiles.
These tools can be used as part of consultancy, recruitment or training projects. They are not necessarily an end in themselves but can give invaluable insights into behaviours and outcomes.
Tests are administered on line and face to face. Feedback is given individually or as part of a team development session.
The British Psychological Society
Development Centres
Development Centres are an essential tool for many organisations in identifying and growing talent. Pursuit NHA has been working with a number of clients across different sectors, designing Development Centres to:
- Build personal awareness of strengths and development areas in relation to the organisation’s competencies
- Identify hidden potential
- Understand personal strengths and how to use them to maximum effect in the organisation
- Develop self-awareness and how to work differently to make positive change
- Assess the capability of an organisation
We identify the right tools to help the individual change, grow and succeed by using:
- Psychometric ability tests and personality questionnaires
- 360° feedback
- Competency Based Interviews
- Presentation
- Individual Exercises
- Role Play
- Case Studies
- Group Exercises
These centres are specifically designed to meet organisational, cultural and operational needs so the output is an individual feedback session based on objectives measurement from the centre.
One of the potential benefits for the organisation is the ability to benchmark their teams internally and externally.
Each participant receives a report which highlights strengths, growth areas and how these can be developed in the organisation.